Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracies Froth to the Forefront After Suicide

There are two schools of thought on Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide. The first is that his suicide benefited the bigwigs on whom he potentially had compromising information. The other school of thought is that, since Epstein was the only person left alive that could challenge a warrant for his so-called ‘pedophile island’ and other properties, Epstein’s death actually benefited criminal prosecutors who were now going to target their focus on possible cohorts.

It’s probably more true that Epstein’s suicide damages the prosecution’s case than helps it. While federal investigators were indeed able to initiate a search warrant after Epstein’s death (because there was no one left alive to challenge it) that would have likely happened inevitably anyway. Now you can say that gave Epstein time to cover all his tracks, but it isn’t clear how Epstein’s death is a clear ‘win’ for the prosecution or how it benefits investigators in attempting to charge those who may have committed unlawful sexual acts with minors on Epstein’s island.

The Guards Conspiracy

According to the most recent information, Jeffrey Epstein was taken off suicide watch six days before the dossier implicating him and others in a criminal sex trafficking conspiracy became public. That is not entirely true. Epstein was placed on a reduced suicide watch during which guards were supposed to be checking in on him every 30 minutes. Why didn’t that happen?

When a prisoner is placed on suicide watch, that means overtime for some of the prison guards. Many of these guards are not trained in corrections simply because there is a shortage of guards willing to take the job. So a lapse in proper protocol is not outside the realm of possibility, even if that protocol was put in place by administrators who supposedly did know what they were doing.

On the other hand, there was one lapse in protocol that appears to be an administration problem. Epstein, after the initial suicide attempt, was supposed to have a roommate. Epstein’s cellmate, a former cop facing the death penalty on murder and drug trafficking charges, was transferred prior to Epstein’s suicide. There is, however, some indication that Epstein was terrified of this man, who looked like a professional wrestler and had a fierce reputation. There is some indication that Epstein was placed with a new roommate who was transferred hours before Epstein’s fatal suicide attempt.

Why Epstein wasn’t placed with a new roommate is among the questions that are being asked right now.

Did the Prison Facilitate Epstein’s Suicide?

Your guess is as good as anyone’s. Right now, there are two camps. The one camp says that Epstein’s suicide was most definitely part of some broadscale conspiracy orchestrated by one or several stakeholders in the Epstein case. The other camp says that there wouldn’t need to be a conspiracy for Epstein to have killed himself. It happens all the time and we’re only putting it under a microscope because of who Epstein was and the importance of his criminal trial.

Talk to a West Palm Beach Criminal Defense Attorney

If you’ve been charged with a crime, the West Palm Beach criminal attorneys at the Skier Law Firm, P.A. can help you defend yourself from the charges. Call us today to set up an appointment.

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