Eighty-three individuals were recently named in a federal indictment for a large variety of gang related crimes, according to the News & Observer. Indeed, 600 law enforcement officers were involved in the federal investigation, which is seeking penalties for offenses committed from as far back as before 2010. The people named are alleged members of the United Blood Nation (an offshoot of the California Bloods organization). The mostly unrelated offenses include seven murders, firearm trafficking, illegal narcotics trafficking, cell phone trafficking, bank fraud, robbery, racketeering, and more. The offenders named in the indictment are from the southeast: North Carolina, Florida, New York, and South Carolina. Ten of the suspects are still at large. A number of the alleged crimes took place in Pensacola, Pace, and Gulf Breeze, among other areas within Florida. While violent crime has actually decreased in the past few decades, politicians and the media have created a society that believes the opposite, and is eager to throw severe punishment at anyone who is caught up in a federal indictment for gang activity.
Why are Some Crimes Tried in Federal Court and Others in State Court?
The majority of crimes can be tried in either state or federal court. For example, murder can be tried in either, and is usually tried in state. Larger-scale crimes that involve many different suspects and events, other very serious offenses, crimes that violate the U.S. constitution, crimes that cross state lines, and crimes that are not penalized under a particular state law are types of crimes that would be charged at the federal level instead of at the state level. As such, gang and other criminal organizations are often pursued by federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors. At the federal level, there are greater finances, more power, and more personnel on the side of the prosecution and enforcement, which is why the recent large and expansive gang activity described earlier is being tried federally.
The Clout of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
The National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC), created by Congress in 2005, and directed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is the most important part of U.S. law enforcement anti-gang activity. The NGIC collects gang intelligence across the state and federal level and shares the information, and analysis of that information, with other law enforcement agencies. When you have to go up against the federal government and often multiple branches of law enforcement agencies that have collected an immense amount of very personal and in-depth information about you, your family, and your friends or colleagues, you will be glad that you went with the most experienced attorney law firm available.
Call a West Palm Beach Federal Crimes Gang Related Activities Criminal Defense Attorney Today
The West Palm Beach law offices of the Skier Law Firm have the clout and resources at their disposal necessary to successfully defeat federal prosecution and data compiled by the FBI. If you have been charged with, or are under investigation for, any type of organized crime or gang activity, callĀ (561) 820-1508 today for experienced legal representation.